The story behind Garo cigars

In the heart of Glendale, California, Dr. Garo Bouldoukian, a licensed chiropractor, found himself drawn not only to the art of healing but also to the allure of premium cigars. Having established a successful chiropractic clinic in his local community, Dr. Garo's entrepreneurial spirit led him to explore his passion for the finer things in life.

It was in 1995 that Dr. Garo took a bold step into the world of cigar manufacturing, founding Garo Habano Fine Cigars. With a vision to redefine excellence in the industry, he embarked on a journey fueled by his love for the art and culture of cigar making. Partnering primarily with Tabacalera Cinco Estrella in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, Garo Cigars emerged as a symbol of uncompromising quality and consistency.

Driven by a desire to transcend boundaries, Dr. Garo's motivation to excel in the global premium cigar market was unwavering. He recognized the challenges of blending and sourcing tobacco from diverse regions in Central America but remained steadfast in his commitment to exceed industry standards. Through the expertise of master rollers and the establishment of a factory in Tamboril, Garo Cigars set out to elevate the cigar experience for aficionados worldwide.

Over the years, key milestones punctuated the company's journey. From debuting the Garo Blue line at the 1995 Retail Tobacco Dealers of America (RTDA) Expo to celebrating a decade of excellence in 2005 with a special anniversary blend, Garo Habano Fine Cigars consistently pushed boundaries. Innovative blends like the Limited Edition Millennium blend and the introduction of Noveau blends fermented with beer, wine, and champagne captured the imagination of enthusiasts.

As the brand evolved into Garo Cigars in 2013, Dr. Garo forged a strategic partnership with Tabacalera Cinco Estrella, reinforcing his commitment to craftsmanship and authenticity. The launch of the Garo Cigars online store in 2015 further extended the brand's reach, catering to consumers beyond traditional retail channels.

In 2022, Garo Cigars marked a significant milestone, celebrating 25 years of excellence with the release of the 25th Anniversary Eternity Series. Debuting at the Premium Cigar Association trade show, this limited edition offering underscored the brand's enduring legacy of innovation and quality.


With a presence in key markets across the United States and international distribution in regions like the South Pacific, Middle East, and Europe, Garo Cigars continues to captivate discerning enthusiasts. Dr. Garo's unwavering dedication to quality and his distinctive branding, embodied by the iconic Garo Cigars Silhouette Logo and cigar bands, serve as enduring hallmarks of excellence in the cigar industry. As Garo Cigars looks toward the future, its commitment to craftsmanship and innovation remains as steadfast as ever, ensuring a legacy that continues to captivate aficionados around the globe. Garo Cigars is a proud member of the Boutique Cigars Assocaition where Dr. Garo Bouldoukian serves on the Board of Directors as Vice-President.